• RUNNING BOOKS I LOVE: Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen by Christopher McDougall, Run less, Run Faster: Become a Faster, Stronger Runner with the Revolutionary First Training Program by Pierce, Murr & Moss

Monday, August 8, 2011

Runner Friends...Do We Need Them?

I cherish my runner friends!!  I love the camaraderie and I view it as the best part of running, but it wasn't always that way.  I have always loved to run, especially early in the morning and up until a few years ago I usually ran alone.  I ran my first marathon in 2006 by myself and it never occured to me that it should be any other way.  I rode the bus to the starting line alone and crossed the finish line alone and I never had a second thought about it.  When we moved to Las Cruces, NM  in 2007, I met an awesome fellow runner.  She introduced me to a small runner group and I slowly learned to love group runs.  I really enjoyed the long talks.  I have never been the type to have long conversations on the phone or hang out with girlfriends talking about every detail of life.  I have to admit, though, running encouraged me to open up.  After a few years, we moved from New Mexico to Maryland and I never really found a group that ran at the same times I was available, though, I didn't try very hard.  I ran the Richmond, VA marathon shortly after moving there and I was missing my runner friends.  Even though my family was waiting for me at the finish line, I missed friends to talk with along the way.  Later that year, I ran a half marathon in DC by myself and that was the end of running alone for me!  It really hit home that day just how much I love having a friend to run with....

Now, in AZ, I have resumed my life-long-love of running.  I haven't joined a running group, but I found a great runner friend; a neighbor with the same love of running and impossible mother-issues.  We live for the last minute "want to run in the morning?" texts and can talk about the local school issues.  We aren't setting any records, but that's what I love about it!

Will I Ever Make it to Boston?!?!

It looks unlikely....especially as I sit her sipping a Corona and watching the Arizona sunset.  5 years ago - a lifetime ago - I was convinced I would make it there.  Do I even want to go to Boston, anymore?  I used to think about actually running the race and what it would be like.  Now, all I think about is having to pack & deal with airports and hotels.  I still love running, but I am content with my runs right here!  We have spent the past 10 years moving around and staying busy; we were always in limbo looking forward to the next stage in life.  With this past move to AZ, we made a 10 year commitment.  We are settled and "nesting."  My husband and I both feel like we are in retirement.  Mid-30's and retired - mentally at least!